Heartburn Remedy Without The Use Of Medication

The search for a natural heartburn remedy is important for individuals who suffer from heartburn. The term natural heartburn remedy implies that the said remedy is not associated with any kind of medication or drugs which may have adverse side effects for some people. Many people like the idea of a heartburn remedy without the risks of developing other conditions due to the medication taken for heartburn. There are many people who would like to know an easy home remedy for heartburn, which does not need complicated concoctions or mixtures for it to work. There are actually many different kinds of natural remedies for heartburn which can be done at home with or without the use of ointments and other natural herbal remedies.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are probably the most important and easy kinds of heartburn remedies there are. A heartburn remedy which involves lifestyle changes may take some time to take effects especially since many of the lifestyle changes involve diet, choice of clothes and routine for an individual person. If heartburn has already occurred some discomfort may actually be already felt but some of the heartburn remedy options may also ease the discomfort somewhat even after it has occurred.

A person’s physical stance after eating a particularly heavy or spicy meal may contribute to the occurrence of heartburn. The heartburn remedy after meals for individuals who frequently experience this condition is to sit comfortably in such a way that the stomach is not pressed by the pants or skirt around the waistline. A tight pair of pants around the waist often presses the stomach and promotes the escape of stomach acids up to the esophagus which may result to heartburn. At the same time, lying flat on one’s back immediately after a heavy meal or a more liquid meal may ne instrumental in letting the stomach acids reflux up to the esophagus.

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The heartburn remedy for this is to just sit in a comfortable position or stand if one is up to it and wait an hour or so before lying in a horizontal position. If one must lie down, make sure that the head and upper torso is elevated to prevent reflux.

Heartburn Remedy

Avoiding foods that may promote heartburn is another heartburn remedy that is easy to do. Spicy foods along with greasy and fatty foods are most likely to induce heartburn in some people. The heartburn remedy for this is to minimize of avoid eating these kinds of foods.

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