A Look At Possible Causes Of Heartburn

Heartburn happens to be a condition in which a disorder of the digestive system takes place that in turn leads to regurgitation of gastric acids from a person’s stomach into their esophagus. The end result is feeling irritation as well as burning sensations in the chest region and when the condition becomes severe it can lead to acute levels of pain that can even affect a person’s neck. However, despite the term ‘heartburn’ containing the words ‘heart’, it is not a condition that has anything to do with a person’s heart and as just explained is a problem with the digestive system.

Do Not Overeat

One of the most obvious causes of heartburn is overeating which can, when you eat beyond the capacity of your stomach, also lead to belching as well as experiencing a sour taste in the mouth and breathing too often becomes noisy as well as high pitched.

Another way of identifying causes of heartburn is to look at certain kinds of foods that are known to result in heartburn. For example, spiced up foods, alcohol and teas as well as coffee and even chocolates are all believed to be foods that can be considered one of the causes of heartburn.

In other instances, certain kinds of medications too are considered as being probable causes of heartburn and even certain kinds of emotional factors including high levels of stress are believed to be yet one more of the many different causes of heartburn.

Pregnancy is also considered one of the causes of heartburn since whenever the baby pushes inside the womb it causes the contents of the pregnant woman’s stomach to flow out of the stomach and enter the esophagus thereby causing heartburn.

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Obesity is considered one of the causes of heartburn and the obvious reason is that obese people have too much food in their stomachs which puts excess pressure on the stomach and this leads to some of the food being allowed to escape out of the stomach (to ease pressure in the stomach) and into the esophagus thereby again causing heartburn.

Understanding the different causes of heartburn can help you learn how to control the flare-ups and a simple way to avoid heartburn is to eat slowly and to chew the food completely. However, in case you happen to be feeling stressed then do not make the common mistake of overeating in a bid to alleviate the stress.

It also pays to understand the common causes of severe heartburn. One possible cause is when the LES or lower esophageal sphincter (that controls outflows from the stomach) loosens up and does not close up completely.

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