Brief Analysis of the Best Cure for Heartburn

While there are innumerous treatment options to get rid of heartburns, the question regarding the best cure for heartburn still remains moot. That is due to the fact the human systems are unique and the cure that is effective on one individual may not be that powerful for another. However, here is the list of effective cure for heartburn affliction. Make a note of them and resort to the one that really works for you.

Top 5 Effective Cures for Heartburn

Medications, The Best Cure For Heartburn: Though not advisable, the best cure for heartburn is to resort to the intake of medicines. Depending on your pre-medical health conditions, talk to your medical practitioner and take up a medicine that could help you get rid of heartburns.

The medicines for heartburns can be either antacids or acid blockers. Antacids have the powerful capability of nullifying the acid within the stomach and hence they have testified to be the best quick cure of heartburn. However the challenge that comes with the intake of antacids is the fact that the relief is temporary since they drain down the body within minutes since the intake which in turn paves way to the problem of acid re-accumulation. Milk of Magnesia, alternagel, Maalox, pepto-bismol, Alka-Seltzer, tums are a few of the most popular antacids that are widely being used for heartburn cure.

Acid blockers can be of histamine-2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors. Zantac, Tagamet, Axid and Pepcid are the most widely used and effective h2 antagonists that are used to defend against heartburns. The con with respect to the h2 antagonists is the short lived relief that they offer. The PPIs offer a long term relief by preventing the secretion of acid within the stomach of the patients. Prilosec is a PPI that has proven to be the best cures for heartburn and is approved by the FDA.

While other pro-motility drugs like Reglan is also recommended, foam barriers like Gaviscon also help in getting rid of heartburns.

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Dieting: Diet has a potential influence in alleviating heartburns. Keeping away from spicy, fried, junk, diary foods can be of great help in this regard.

Reflexology: It aims at massaging the distressed points on the foot or the palm. A reflexology clinic can offer the best help in this regard due to the fact that inexperienced home massages often prove to be futile.

Stress Reduction: Proper sleep for a minimum of 6-8 hours a day and routine yoga sessions that can tranquilize you to inexplicable extents have been known to be one of the best cure for heartburn till date.

Natural Remedies: Internet can offer a plethora of home remedies that can help you get rid of heartburn. Taking yoghurt, chewing basil leaves during a meal; having apple cider and taking salt water are believed to be instant heartburn relievers.

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