A Guide To Common Causes Of Severe Heartburn

One of the most obvious causes of severe heartburn is when a person’s lower esophageal sphincter or the LES fails to close completely and this then has the effect of allowing leakage of the contents from the stomach which then escape and get into the person’s esophagus. Though not such a common cause of severe heartburn eating certain kinds of foods and consuming certain kinds of drinks too can lead to severe heartburn.

Regurgitation Of Stomach Acids

Furthermore, a person that already has a heartburn condition can start to suffer from severe heartburn on account of regurgitation of stomach acids that once they enter the esophagus will make you more sensitive to foods such as citrus, tomatoes and fruits as well as onions, garlic and any kind of spicy food.

Another possible cause of severe heartburn is tendency of a person to bend over frequently or when they have the habit of wearing exceptionally tight clothes and even obesity is considered one of the main causes of severe heartburn. The same can be said of pregnancy and doing vigorous exercises as well as suffering from strained bowel movements too are considered one of the common causes of severe heartburn.

Taking certain kinds of prescription as well as non-prescription medications too are believed to be common causes of severe heartburn which means that you need to be careful about taking medicines such as prednisone and aspirin as well as ibuprofen and even anti-histamines because these can, when taken, easily result in experiencing heartburn.

Even hiatal hernia that generally occurs whenever a part of your stomach pushes in the direction of the diaphragm and causes an increase in quantity of stomach in the stomach is considered one of the possible causes of severe heartburn.

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Most of us tend to gobble up our food too fast and at the same time we might eat too much food, and when these foods are especially spicy or oily then it too can be considered one of the causes of severe heartburn; especially, if you eat like this just before turning in for the night.

Only by understanding the causes of severe heartburn can you start affecting proper treatment. This in turn could mean having to learn how to avoid certain kinds of foods and it also helps if you eat your food about two to three hours before going to bed for the night.

Often, the causes of heartburn and indigestion are a leakage from the stomach that allows acids to flow out and get into the esophagus. What’s more, these conditions tend to affect pregnant women the most; the causes need to be studied in further detail so that preventive measures can then be affected in good time.

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