An Introduction To Causes Of Heartburn And Indigestion

Pregnant women seem to be the one class of people that are most affected by heartburn and indigestion and so doctors attending to them need to be fully aware about the causes of heartburn and indigestion in pregnant women are. Most often, the cause of heartburn and indigestion is when acid from the stomach is allowed to leak into the esophagus though in the case of indigestion the trouble actually occurs not in the esophagus but in the stomach itself; but, the burning sensations in either case are almost the same.

Insufficient Mucous

Indigestion occurs because of lack of sufficient production of mucous in the lines of the person’s stomach and this can lead to the stomach experiencing a burn that leads to formation of craters or even peptic ulcers. Unless you truly understand the causes of heartburn and indigestion you might easily mistake the burning sensation in your stomach for heartburn when in fact this kind of sensation points to an indigestion problem and not heartburn.

Often, the causes of heartburn and indigestion are identical though when the causes are attributed to taking of certain medications there is a notable difference. This is because people take altogether different medications for heartburn and indigestion and so the causes in such cases are that you are taking different kinds of medications that each can lead to either heartburn or indigestion.

However, certain causes of heartburn and indigestion are common and these include eating of spiced up foods, smoking, overeating, eating too quickly and suffering from inflamed pancreas. In addition, common causes of heartburn and indigestion include consumption of alcohol and inflamed stomach condition, use of certain antibiotics and also taking of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers are also considered common causes of causes of heartburn and indigestion.

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You can prevent heartburn and indigestion by performing moderate exercises and it also pays to remember that bending, squatting and running all can worsen your condition and so are also considered causes of heartburn and indigestion.

The best way of resolving these causes of heartburn and indigestion is to reduce your anxiety levels and in addition you must also try to live a stress-free life and what’s more, you must learn to chew your food slowly.

The causes of chronic heartburn should be positively identified so that effective treatment can be begun. In fact, the more you know about what makes you suffer from chronic heartburn the easier it becomes for you to take steps that will help you prevent an onset of chronic heartburn.

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