Understanding The Causes Of Chronic Heartburn Can Help You Get Timely Relief

In most cases, a chronic heartburn condition can refer to any instance in which the cause of your condition is another disease such as Hiatal hernia and Barrett’s esophagus as well as esophagitis or even Gerd. In other cases the causes of chronic heartburn can even include esophageal cancer. To really profit from knowing more about causes of chronic heartburn it pays to first of all understand a little bit more about why heartburn develops in the first place.

Undigested Foods

The main reason why heartburn occurs is because undigested food in the stomach gets mixed up with gastric juices and these can regurgitate out of the stomach and enter the esophagus where it will burn and cause much discomfort. In case such a problem occurs routinely for three or more times in any week then the condition is diagnosed as chronic heartburn and it is also reasonable to suspect that you may also be at risk of developing GERD.

A person’s gender is also considered one of the causes of chronic heartburn as it has been found that women seem to develop chronic heartburn more often than men and the reason for this could be that the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) in women tends to malfunction more often than is the case in men.

What’s more, pregnancy is also considered one of the causes of chronic heartburn as whenever the baby applies pressure in the womb the stomach is forced into allowing some of its contents to escape and this then means that the contents will enter the esophagus and there cause heartburn.

Obesity is one of the more common causes of chronic heartburn and here again excess of undigested food in the stomach causes unwanted pressure in the stomach. And, when the stomach, in a bid to get relief, allows some of the contents to escape and when these contents then enter the esophagus they cause a lot of discomfort and the condition is diagnosed as chronic heartburn on account of the fact that the condition arises very often. The best remedy in such cases is to lose as much weight as is possible.

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Even genetic factors are believed to be causes of chronic heartburn as seen from the fact that Hispanics and Caucasians are more prone to suffering from heartburn than other races.

For a lay person that does not know much about what persistent heartburn is the plain truth is that such a condition arises whenever an individual suffers from digestion related problems and more particularly these problems occur on account of acids in their stomachs escaping from the confines of their stomach. When the problem occurs day in and day out it is considered as persistent heartburn and this is when it is time to learn how to deal with the causes of persistent heartburn. Mostly, appropriate medications can provide suitable relief and this is what most people try whenever the problem arises.

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