Finding Effective Forms Of Heartburn Relief

Heartburn affects at least half the population of every country. Therefore, the need for heartburn relief is common in most countries. It is an annoying and painful sensation that starts from the abdomen to the chest. Like the name suggests, it makes the heart feel like it is burning and acid is washing up into the esophagus. However, the heart does not get affected by heartburn. Some cases of severe heartburn are known to cause sleepless nights as well as a change in lifestyle. However, most cases are not as severe and can be treated easily with over the counter heartburn relief medication. For severe cases, there are now many methods and drugs that have been introduced to soothe the condition.

Causes Of Heartburn

Most cases of heartburn are experienced after eating meals with too much fat or acid. It also occurs after taking alcohol, smoking or ingesting aspirin. Chocolate is also a known cause of heartburn. Emotional factors such as tension and pregnancy-related stress also trigger the condition. Although not really serious, people turn to heartburn relief medication to avoid the irritating and sometimes painful sensation that comes with heartburn.

Treatment For Heartburn

There are many heartburn relief medications that can be processed over the counter. Most of these include Tums and Maalox that relieve acid indigestion. However, heartburn is mainly caused by acids in the stomach being pushed on the sphincter thus causing pain. Acid indigestion is mainly to help the market relate to Tums and Maalox as heartburn relief medication. There are also several natural heartburn relief processes, which include a change in lifestyle as well as losing excess weight and proper diet and exercise.

Heartburn Relief

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Heartburn relief is a major cause for concern especially among pregnant women and people with obesity. Although there are many prescriptions that are safe for pregnant women, one has to be careful not to take anything that might harm their baby. It is important to consult with a doctor in order to get the most effective and appropriate heartburn relief medication. It is much better to avoid heartburn that to treat it. Some ways that people can prevent it is by avoiding foods that trigger heartburn, avoiding caffeine, chocolates and alcohol as well as finding means of reducing stress levels. Other than that, eating at least 4 hours before going to bed also helps avoid heartburn especially at night. Lying flat on one’s back is known to increase the rate of heartburn. Therefore, using comfortable pillows may also be a form of heartburn relief.

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