Safe and Effective Heartburn Remedy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage in a woman’s life that can open the door to many ailments and conditions which may occur due to the woman being pregnant. Heartburn is just one of the other conditions and ailments that may plague a woman during pregnancy. A heartburn remedy during pregnancy needs to be safe enough to ensure that both mother and unborn child are kept in good condition and safety.  The heartburn reflux remedy used by the general population may not be suitable for a pregnant woman.

Avoiding Alcohol, Caffeine And Others

Not only do these two liquids ultimately affect the health of the unborn child but they can also promote heartburn during pregnancy as well as out of it. The heartburn remedy during pregnancy is to avoid coffee and alcohol as well as other foods and substances that may contain caffeine. Both alcohol and caffeine affect the lower esophageal sphincter’s ability to close when the stomach is full. This means that the lower esophageal sphincter may malfunction and lose its ability to effectively keep the stomach acids and other stomach contents in the stomach.

Another heartburn remedy during pregnancy is to reduce one’s food intake of foods that may trigger heartburn. Chocolates, fatty foods, greasy foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and fried foods are among the many foods that may actually trigger acid reflux and eventually heartburn. There are other food items which may trigger heartburn and the heartburn remedy during pregnancy is to avoid the foods listed above. On the other hand, some milk products may be of some help when it comes to being a heartburn remedy during pregnancy. Examples of these possible heartburn remedies during pregnancy are yoghurt and fresh milk.


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Being pregnant is in itself a lifestyle change that the woman makes for several months. Altering one’s lifestyle is a heartburn remedy during pregnancy that actually works well. Examples include elevating the upper torso when sleeping or taking a nap. This heartburn remedy during pregnancy is especially necessary if the woman has just eaten and wishes to lie down. Tight and restrictive clothing is a no-no when it comes to pregnancy and heartburn. As a heartburn remedy during pregnancy, the avoidance of using tight and restrictive clothing helps to ease the pressure on the woman’s stomach. Eating several small meals and not gorging can also help to prevent the occurrence of heartburn. A full stomach with the baby pushing on it is more prone to acid reflux due to the pressure exerted on it.

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